Today is a very special day for Mr. Speakman and I. That is because four years ago today I became Mrs. Speakman. That's right, today is our anniversary! I awoke this morning to a fresh assortment of some of my favorite flowers. Also, a hand written card with an adorable poem just for me, from my sweetie. I'd love to share it with you, but since my husband can be somewhat shy, I won't. Besides, it's really none of your beeswax!
Walking out of the Mesa Arizona temple, just minutes after being married
To celebrate four years of wedded bliss we are skipping town for a few days. We will be enjoying the cold, maybe even snowy weather of higher elevations. For the first time in a long time we will be alone, just my darling and I. As I type this, my husband is finishing a few last minute tasks before we hit the road. I am very excited for these next few days. And can you blame me? Have you seen my husband?

He is very handsome. And so I'd better go. I wouldn't want to keep him waiting!
Enjoy your weekend! I know we will!
I didn't see a mention of your wonderful mother who cared for your darling son so that you could go away all by yourselves!!