On Saturday, my darling husband turned 24! We celebrated together as a family all day long. After a big pancake breakfast, we packed up and headed to the park. We played and had a picnic and fed the ducks.

It was cool and breezy outside and a perfect day for a picnic. When the baby got sleepy, we headed home for nap time. When he woke up a few hours later, we went out for Nathans birthday dinner. I told him we could go anywhere he wanted. Anywhere at all. His pick?...

Organ Stop Pizza! Why Organ Stop? Because Auden and I have never been and Nathan thought we might like it. And we did. Auden especially. He loved the lights and the music and clapped for the nice man at the organ after every song.
3 quick things about Organ Stop Pizza:
1. I give the pizza a B.
2. The man at the organ is very good, and he takes requests.
3. The place is a hit with the senior citizen/snowbird crowd.
An elderly couple wearing matching hats that said 'Wisconsin' cut me in line. Then an older gentleman stole my seat and got mad at my husband when he told him that seat was already taken. Also, they love to request to hear the organist play 'Oh Canada'. It was awesome.
After dinner we had a group of friends and family over to play games and share the big triple layer German chocolate cake I had carefully crafted for my birthday boy.
Happy Birthday Nathan!
Happy Happy birthday to our favorite son-in-law. What a wonderful day - PS, where was my son? (behaving I hope) We owe you a birthday dinner when we return. Love to you all.