Tonight Nathan and I teamed up to clean out our spare bedroom (read: spare bedroom turned storage space turned black hole). We've lived in our house almost four years and during this time the junk in that room seems to have gotten way out of hand. What started out as a small pile of homeless things in the corner had grown to take over the entire room. It was gross and I'd had enough. Cleaning out this room has been on my list of things to do for a long time, but since 'organize spare room' doesn't sound very fun I've been putting it off. Until today. We got down to business and I am happy to report the spare room is clean. Finally crossing that off my list feels really, really good.
So tonight I am happy. And you know who else should be happy? My little brother, Robert. That is because my mother and father will be leaving tomorrow evening for a 3 week vacation in Europe, and while they are gone Robert will be staying here with us. Lucky guy. And since it is now clean, he can stay in the above mentioned guest room rather than on my living room floor. You're welcome Robert.
After all the cleaning fun was through I took my sleepy baby back to his room where I changed his diaper,
lotioned his soft skin, dressed him in pajamas, and tucked him in for bed. I walked down the hall and to the living room to find that while I was busy in the spare room, Auden had been busy smashing saltine crackers into my newly
vacuumed floor.

Awesome. But this mess will have to wait till morning, because I am pooped. Also, I think I feel a cold coming on? This is no good. Time for me to take some
echinachea and go to bed.
I don't know how many times I have told Robert not to eat off the floor. Thanks for watching over him,!