It was so nice to talk to you both again this morning (or late evening, to you). I was happy to hear you enjoyed your time in Germany. And how exciting for you to be able to stay right at the foot of Neuscwanstein Castle. What a way to end your time there. Was Dad sad to say good-bye to his beloved Germany again? If so, I imagine he'll get over it in no time since your vacation has now taken you south-west to AUSTRIA!
I have dreamed of visiting Austria since I was a little girl for two reasons and two reasons only:
1. To run and sing and dance through the hills a la Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. Mom, Dad, are you singing and dancing through those glorious Austrian hills? Please tell me you are...
2. To visit this pretty little glass gazebo and get caught inside it with my lover during a down-pouring of rain, so we can pretend for a minute that the year is 1938 and that we are Leisl and Rolf. Dreamy, isn't it...

We are all missing you lots, especially your grandson. I take him over to your house with me every day when I go to clean up after your pets and your 21 year old son, and every time we go over there he walks through your house looking for you. It is very cute. He will be so happy to see you both when you return next week. His 1st birthday party is tomorrow, and even though we are excited for it, we will be missing you there.
Please enjoy yourselves and your time in Austria. We love you, and we'll talk to you again soon!
The Speakmans
p.s. Dad -- I think it would be great if you could buy a cd full of yodeling music while you are in Austria. You are a fantastic yodeler, and it has been a while since you've shared this talent of yours with us. Nathan has never seen you do it, and he would really like to. He is a dork and likes yodeling music, too.
Until we hit Italy - Austria was the warmest city we had been in at 40 degress. Since then we have visted Venitzia (Venice) and today Roma (Rome)- which is the eternal City. Dad was sad to leave Germany but excited to see the sights he had never seen before. This trip has been quite the adventure - especially the part where I got stuck in an elevator (but that is a story for when we return). We are off to Pisa and the leaning tower next. Love to you all. Kiss our darling grandson and remind him of who we are!!!