This time last year I was pregnant. Very, very pregnant. My due date had been determined to be March 10th. I put a lot of stock in that date, this being my first pregnancy and all. I spent 30 weeks (we didn't find out I was pregnant until I was almost 12 weeks along) counting down the days until March 10th. I couldn't sleep the night before. I was completely full of joy and anticipation. Tomorrow, our long awaited baby would arrive. I was ready to finally have him here. And more importantly, I was done with being pregnant.
This time last year I was past my due date, and that made me cranky. March 10th had come and gone without even the slightest of a contraction. After weeks of waiting, we would have to wait some more. And yes, I would have to remain in my pregnant state for at least a few more days.
This time last year I was extremely uncomfortable. The child who was waring out his welcome in my apparently very comfortable uterus was a big baby, and this did not agree with my not so big frame. The child I was carrying was so big, in fact, that my friends and family (and even some very nosey strangers) were sure I was going to have twins.
Either twins, or a basketball...
Your so cute preg! I never got to see any of your preg pictures or you! I am happy to keep in touch this way now! Hope you and your adorable family is doing great!